Update 5

The experimental branch has been testes, hopefully debugged and merged to the current one.


I repeat to those who hasn't been using the experimental version prior to this: YOU WILL HAVE TO CONVERT YOUR MAPS. Worst case scenario - you will have to redo your maps by hand: https://www.dropbox.com/s/phyi23j1wfx28gi/MapConverter.exe?dl=0

What is different from the experimental version (see other update to get the full picture: https://jessicochan.itch.io/easy-fps-editor-pro/devlog/345721/update-4):

  • Fixed floors not rendering underneath doors
  • Fixed inability to enter float values in enemy attack delay field
  • Fixed terminals and triggers not working properly with multifloor levels
  • Fixed drop not being spawned when loading a game
  • Fixed entities vanishing on higher floors
  • Fixed entities spawn with script and FSM

There are actually quite a number of small fixes. I don't even remember what they exactly are since they were small and very minor.


From this moment on EFPSE goes into support phase. I'm quite tired of... well, everything actually. I haven't been working on the project for long lately, I simply have no will to keep going. That said this on not the end of development. There will be fixes but no new features. From time to time I will update it with major fixes should bugs appear.

I'm not leaving Itch and I will be here to answer your questions. And there's still a manual in the works.

See you.



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I don't suppose that you'd be willing to license out the source code for the engine? Or any kind of deal-making concerning the source code? Curious; what is the engine's actual name? I've just been calling it FSM. Anyway, I'm really enjoying working with it! I wish I could make my own changes to it, adding features and whatnot, given that it's simply in a support stage now.

The source code is messy and is not recommended to be read by anyone )

No, really. It has a long legacy pieces that I never got to remove and is in any way held by ducktape and prayers.

The real name is Easy FPS Editor as I didn't think of anything better. I might release the soure code in future, but not now.

I wonder though; why would you need it?

I don't really neeeeed it. But it seems like it would be fun to play with. Plus I have a love for optimizing code and adding features to things! I've also found the editor to be surprisingly fun to use.

I'll think on releasing source in future.

Deleted 1 year ago

Adding score is somewhat possible through FSM but there is no real way of showing it to payer.

Time limit is a no go.

In short, a real survival mode is not possible.

Deleted 1 year ago

No and no.

Third person is unfinished and will never be finished.

Hey, thanks for the update.

Noticed that entities are disappearing at certain camera angles while player is standing next to them.

That's an optimization thing

Just discovered this today and bought it with a little donation. I was searching for a tool like this for ages. FPSC wasnt what i needed, RGM was too buggy, your tool ist just right :) 

I think what would really be great was if there was some kind of demo-game with all the features possible, that you can open and edit in the Editor. Nothing artistically, just basic stuff, one enemy, a room, some triggers and sounds etc.

Also - as i like to have my FPS games as bloody as possible, Gibs and bloodsplats to walls would be nice, everything like the over the top Brutal Doom :)

Again, you did a really, really nice job with that! Huge respect!


Gibs can be done by using state machines.

Bloodsplats are a big no-no. There literally is too much work for decals on walls. Bullet holes are small and can be put without any troubles but bloodsplats demand more accurate positioning and polygon splitting.

Thanks for your answer! i'll have a look at state machines then. Would they work with different death animations, too? would be cool if the damage weapons make could result in different death animations. a bullet is a basic death but a rocket launcher blows up everything

There is still no manual on FSM as of now, but I think randomized death animations should work fine when using "RANDOM" action command.

Death animations depending on weapon used are somewhat possible by using variables but there are some caveats, so I wouldn't try doing it. 

also, are flickering lights a thing? or switches in general?

(1 edit)

No. Flicjering is not possible atm. Switches are possible though through usable decorations and scripts.

Deleted 1 year ago

-That is a big "perhaps". I'm not good with playing FPS games on gamepads so I can't add a good support for it. It would also need to involve some kind of auto-aim which is a pain to get right. I might add _some_ support for gamepads, but so far Xpadder is your only way. The active stage of development is over anyway, it's only bugfixes now.

-I don't really understand what you mean. Camera shaking when taking damage? Unlikely. camera shaking when moving? Already there.

-You can add more sprites by using state machines. I just didn't have time to write any manual on this but I hope to get at least something in near future.

-That is unlikely. Te engine is made for windows only and compiling it for Android would take too much time to get anywhere.

-That is something I haven't even thought about The engine is made for old-school single-player only games and would hardly be flexible enough for good balance for co-op. Also, a pain to make. Though not impossible.

Bugs were and still are. What has been fixed is the display of floor under the doors.

I worked on experimental version and moved project to stable build.

Of bugs that were previously discovered and not fixed:
*Floors are not displayed correctly above 1st floor;
*Entities (sprites, enemies, objects) disappear above 1st floor when viewed through a door;
*Build crash when trying to enter settings/audio;
*When loading saves, all enemies on the map are duplicated, as well as ammunition. Maybe something else is being duplicated. It is not entirely clear;
*Inscription "not for commerce" still weighs in main menu;

-Floors will never be shown on floors above the first one, you need to add blocks. The engine is NOT true 3D in this regards, it works more like Doom engine - with 2D maps and 3D rendering.

-Entities should not disappear. I'll ask my tester to check it.

-Audio settings crash bug is hard to reproduce. I don't have such a problem thus I can't fix it. Only chances are for my PC going haywire and reproducing it for me.

-Enemies duplicating should be fixed. Check if you're on the last version and not experimental one.

-It will always be there while testing.

what type of compression is the PAK file used? Is the file format open source for compression? Like ZIP?

Unfortunately you can't open the PAK files with anything, at least I haven't found a solution. 

It's my own format and doesn't use any third-party libraries.

Здраствуйте, как исправить вылет ? Игра вылетает когда я захожу в настроики.

Без понятия. У меня не воспроизводится такое. Сколько бы мне ни писали об этом.

Уже исправил !

Keep working on this. It is great. Why won't it work on Windows 11?

(3 edits)

I've had some reports on this not working under Win11. I can't say for sure as I don't have Win11 to test it but try to run it under compatibility with Win10 or Win8. It also may be that you don't have VC2010 redist installed.

If everything fails, try to run it under Virtual Box or VMWare with Win10